Saturday, November 17, 2007

Roman street uncovered in Western Wall tunnels
By ETGAR LEFKOVITS (Jerusalem Post)

The remains of an ancient terraced street that dates back to the Roman period have been uncovered in the Western Wall tunnels, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced Wednesday.
[The remains of a Roman road...]

The remains of a Roman road discovered in the Western Wall tunnels.
Photo: Western Wall Heritage Fund

The street, which likely led to the nearby Temple Mount itself, dates back nearly 2,000 years when the city was called Aelia Capitolina during the second-fourth centuries.

Aelia Capitolina was a pagan city built over the site of Jerusalem by the Emperor Hadrian after the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132-135 CE.

UPDATE: There's a longer Reuters article that covers the same ground and also mentions the discovery of a Roman bath house.
Roman road, bath unearthed near Jewish temple site
Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:22pm GMT

By Rebecca Harrison

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a second century terraced street and bath house which provide vital clues about the layout of Roman Jerusalem.

The Israel Antiquities Authority said the 30-metre (90-foot) alley was used by the Romans to link the central Cardo thoroughfare with a bath house and with a bridge to the Temple Mount, once the site of Jerusalem's ancient Jewish temple.

"We find bits of Roman road all the time but this discovery helped us piece together a picture of Roman Jerusalem," Jon Seligman, Jerusalem regional archaeologist, told Reuters at the site. "It was a real Eureka moment."
