Sunday, August 14, 2011

Review of this year's Masada opera

THIS YEAR'S MASADA OPERA is reviewed in the Toronto Sun:
Concert at Sultan's Pool a great treat

MIKE KEENAN Special to QMI Agency

First posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 12:00:00 EDT AM

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - A smartly-dressed middle-aged man sits in front of me, arm draped snugly around an attractive and be-jewelled lady, clearly half his age. He and his jet-set friends have purportedly paid 2200 Shekels per seat. ($640 US).

I sit alone but free, courtesy of Israeli tourism, and what a seat it is! I'm ensconced at the base of Mount Masada, a UNESCO World Heritage Site where the Israeli Opera company is dramatically producing Giuseppe Verdi's famous Aida, the Italian maestro's masterpiece amongst his 28 written operas.

Background here.