Thursday, March 27, 2014

Report on Golb's appeal hearing

THE APPEAL HEARING ON RAPHAEL GOLB'S IDENTITY-THEFT CONVICTIONS is summarized by John Leland in the NYT: Court Hears Appeal by Son of Scholar on Dead Sea Scrolls. Excerpt:
What would make it illegal? [Golb's lawyer] Mr. Kuby was asked.

Economic benefit, he said. Merely getting “psychic joy” and “savage pleasure” did not count. “Intent to annoy, intent to be obnoxious — that, in and of itself, cannot be criminalized.”

Mr. Rivellese [representing the state] countered that Mr. Golb’s behavior was clearly malicious and criminal, intended to mislead recipients and damage Dr. Schiffman’s career.

Judge Eugene F. Pigott Jr. pushed the point with Mr. Kuby, asking whether it would be all right for someone to pretend to be Alex Rodriguez and confess to using banned steroids, which Mr. Rodriguez has denied.

“I don’t actually see a criminal problem with that,” Mr. Kuby said.
Background here and just keep following the links back.